Sunday Liturgies

Sunday 8am – Traditional Language Eucharist

The 8am Eucharist is a short spoken liturgy, in the form of the Book of Common Prayer 1962; it is found in the Book of Alternative Services (BAS) of the Anglican Church of Canada.   Those who attend the 8am service appreciate its contemplative nature and the beauty of the traditional language (thee, thy, thou).  It is a service in which we strive to honour tradition in a way that connects us to the followers of Jesus who have come before us while also making ourselves open to the new ways God is calling us to love as Jesus loved.

Sunday 10am – Choral Eucharist

The 10am Choral Eucharist includes organ music, hymns and chants and is in modern language – primarily English, but with French mixed in as well.  While the basic components of the service remain consistent, we are unafraid to try new things, from telling a Bible story using visual aids to shouting the psalm joyfully while playing tambourines and maracas.  In the summer months our choir takes a break, but our Music Director or a guest organist lead the congregation in hymns.

The Holy Eucharist

Ever heard this term and wondered what it means? Eucharist is a Greek word, meaning “thanksgiving.”  The two major components of the service are the proclamation and hearing of the Word through prayers and readings from the Bible, and the sacred meal of bread and wine, also referred to as “Communion” or the “Lord’s Supper.”  We believe that in praying together, listening together, and receiving the bread and wine, we encounter Christ and are spiritually fed so that we might go out into the world and live the good news.  In the Baptismal Covenant we state that living the good news includes seeking and serving Christ in all persons, loving our neighbor as ourself, striving for justice and peace among all people while respecting the dignity of each person and striving to safeguard the integrity of God’s Creation.  

Palm Sunday 2019